What is the purpose of the study? This clinical research study is designed to help doctors learn more about benralizumab (the study drug) and to find out how safe it is and how well it works for patients with severe uncontrolled asthma.

The study will investigate whether the study drug can help to decrease your asthma flare-ups, improve the health of your lungs, and also improve your quality of life. To do this, the study drug will be compared with a placebo. A placebo looks the same as the study drug but contains no active medicine. Placebos are used in many clinical research studies to make sure that any effects seen in patients taking part in the study are a result of the study drug itself.
Eosinophils are white blood cells that contribute to asthma symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. It is hoped that the study drug will help to stop the signal (a protein made by the body called interleukin-5) that allows eosinophils to form and become activated (think of the study drug as a “traffic officer”), leading to these symptoms. You will be in this study for up to 32 weeks (about 8 months).
Approximately 630 patients like you will take part in the study. The study will be conducted at approximately 270 study centres around the world
The study site investigator is Professor Tim Harrison
This study has now fully completed