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Beyond Allergic Th2 Severe Asthma (BEAT-SA) Trial

Glenn Hearson

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

We will shortly be commencing a new clinical research trial #BEAT-SA.

Beyond Allergic Th2 Severe Asthma (BEAT-SA)

#BEAT-SA is a multicentre platform trial with two randomised, double blind, placebo controlled cohorts. Participants will be randomly assigned treatment with either a drug or a placebo within their sub-types and therefore neither the participants nor the clinical care teams will know whether the participant will receive treatment with a drug or with a placebo until the end of the trial

The research is being funded by a £1.9m grant from the National Institute for Health Research Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme (NIHR EME) and led by Professor Salman Siddiqui from the University of Leicester.

Professor Dominick Shaw from the NIHR Nottingham BRC and the University of Nottingham, is a Co-Investigator for the study and the local Principal Investigator at Nottingham supported by Dr Saher Sultan.

Beyond Allergic Th2 Severe Asthma (BEAT-SA)
Beyond Allergic Th2 Severe Asthma (BEAT-SA)

What is the purpose of the trial?

Asthma affects over 5 million people in the UK and while most respond well to currently available therapy, 3-5% of sufferers have severe asthma. This is when the symptoms persist and have an impact on day-to-day life.

The BEAT-SA trial is looking at the two sub-types of severe asthma and comparing trial drugs to placebos (substances containing no active medication). The trial aims to understand more about the condition, reduce the number of exacerbations (sudden worsening of asthmatic symptoms) people experience and improve the quality of life for severe asthma sufferers. In order to do this, we need to collect and analyse samples of blood, sputum, urine, breath and undertake measurements of lung function.

We hope to commence recruitment into #BEAT-SA in the next few weeks.

For more information contact:

This study has now completed and is closed.

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