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Clinical, radiological and patient reported outcomes after pleural intervention (PROSPECT)

Glenn Hearson

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

We have recently commenced a new study looking at outcomes after pleural intervention. The study is lead by The University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust with Dr Harry Pick as the Principal Investigator at NUH.

Prospective data collection on clinical, radiological and patient reported outcomes after pleural intervention (PROSPECT).

outcomes after pleural intervention
outcomes after pleural intervention

What is the purpose of the study?

This study plans to collect information about outcomes after pleural procedure(s) which people undergo as part of their normal care.

The study does not involve having any extra procedures undertaken.

There is not enough information about who is likely to benefit from these procedures and why.

We intend to collect this information to look for patterns that may provide guidance on how best to treat patients.

We will be asking patients in hospitals across the country to take part to get as broad as a picture as possible.

There will be no changes to patients your care, and no additional procedures or clinic appointments.

Patients clinical team will record demographic information (such as age and gender) and clinical details, procedure information, results of treatment received and patients response to the treatment.

Patients clinical team will pass the relevant information on to the research team. Medical notes will then be used by local hospital team to collect data about any complications that patients may experience within the 30 days following the procedure.

For more information, please contact:

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