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ISARIC COVID-19 Report using data from COVID-19 Database; Data up to May 19th 2020

Glenn Hearson

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

The International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (ISARIC) has made available the latest report on #COVID19.

The results in the report have been produced using data from the ISARIC COVID-19


Up to the date of this report, data have been entered for 46929 individuals from 355 sites across 36 countries.

To download the full report click the image

SARIC COVID-19 Report using data from COVID-19 Database; Data up to May 19th 2020
SARIC COVID-19 Report using data from COVID-19 Database; Data up to May 19th 2020

The analysis detailed in this report only includes individuals:

1. for whom data collection commenced on or before 05 May 2020. (We have applied a 14-day rule to focus analysis on individuals who are more likely to have a recorded outcome. By excluding patients

enrolled during the last 14 days, we aim to reduce the number of incomplete data records and thus improve the generalisability of the results and the accuracy of the outcomes. However, this limits our focus to a restricted cohort despite the much larger volumes of data held in the database.)


2. who have laboratory-confirmed or clinically-diagnosed SARS-COV-2 infection.

The cohort satisfying the above criteria has 25849 cases (97.67% are laboratory-confirmed for SARS-COV-2 infection).

The flow chart in Figure 1 gives an overview of the cohort and outcomes as of 19 May 2020.

Outcomes have been recorded for 19983 patients, consisting of 12903 recoveries and 7080 deaths. Follow-up is ongoing for 4112 patients. Outcome records are unavailable for 1754 patients

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